Your Name is Red
Your name tells people that you are powerful and intense. Your name makes people take you seriously.
You stand out in a crowd and command attention. You can't blend in - and you would never try to or want to.
People see you as a bit of a wild card. You're well known for being passionate, and you can be a bit dangerous at times.
You inspire strong feelings in others. People either totally love you or totally despise you. There usually isn't much in between.
Αυτό με το Γιάννα. Με το Ιωάννα έχουμε:
Your Name is White
Your name tells people that you have good intentions and a pure heart. You try to always speak the truth.
You are happy to step back and let other people shine. You don't seek attention or acclaim.
People see you as someone who is generous and ethical. You can be counted on to do the right thing.
You are bright and clear headed. You can offer a fresh perspective, especially when other people are in a rut.
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